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St. Simons Island Burn Injury Lawyers

Burn injuries are some of the most painful and often traumatic injuries a person can experience. They can be caused by heat, chemicals, electricity, radiation, and other possible exposures, and a burn victim’s life may be permanently altered in ways that they could have never imagined.

If you suffered a serious burn injury due to another’s negligence, contact a St. Simons Island burn injury lawyer as soon as possible. There is usually a lot at stake in these situations and it may be important to have an experienced attorney who knows how to navigate the rules of law and procedure, ensure you have a stress-free recovery, work to pursue compensation for you in these very sensitive cases.

Types of Burn Injuries

Most people already know there are varying degrees of burns, but they may not understand what they mean unless they have experienced them personally or know someone who has. Whether caused by an explosion, hot liquid, a fire safety violation, or exposure to dangerous chemicals or radiation, a person may suffer one or more of a varying degree of burns. Burn injuries can happen in a variety of ways, including car accidents.

A first-degree burn is surface-level and defined by red, irritated skin, while a second-degree burn partially penetrates the skin and may lead to swelling and blistering. Third-degree burns are full-thickness burns that fully penetrate the skin, and symptoms include possible numbness and white, blackened, or charred skin. Finally, fourth-degree burns are deep-tissue burns that reach and cause damage to muscles, bones, or tendons.

Recovering From a Burn Accident

Victims of burn injuries often face an uphill battle. A burn victim may spend weeks or even months in the hospital trying to recover. They may need skin grafts and reconstructive surgery to heal, as well as several follow-up trips to the doctor afterward for outpatient care.

Not only is there a physical toll on the body, but there can an overwhelming mental component as well. Depending on the location and severity of their injury, patients may need to seek psychological treatment to treat the invisible but profound emotional scars from their accidents. They may need to learn how to cope with their new appearance, loss of work, loss of consortium, and many other damages.

Individuals suffering from burn injuries may be able to receive compensation for these expenses by filing a lawsuit with the help of a burn injury attorney for St. Simons Island. While support groups may help people deal with pressing psychological issues, burn injury lawsuits can factor non-economic damages like these into a settlement demand as well as economic damages like medical bills.

Call a St. Simons Island Burn Injury Lawyer Today

Many burn victims are unable to work. With the expenses that come with medical treatment, psychological treatment, and the general cost of living, finances can become another burden on top of physical and mental recovery.

An experienced St. Simons Island burn injury lawyer may know exactly what you are going through and fight for your rights and interests every step of the way. They could be both sensitive to your issues and fearless in the face of insurance companies or opposing defendants who may try to deny culpability for your condition.

You have the right to hold others accountable for their recklessness or negligence, and you do not have to go through that process alone. Call today to get the help that you deserve from a dedicated local attorney.

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