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Roswell Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Putting someone you love in a nursing facility can be a difficult decision. Family members often choose to do so when they feel they can no longer adequately care for their loved one. Facilities may be chronically understaffed and prioritize profits over residents’ wellbeing, which could cause residents’ injury or death due to corporate misconduct and negligence. A Roswell nursing home abuse lawyer could hold negligent facilities accountable if your loved one suffered abuse. A compassionate injury attorney could help recover financial damages on behalf of injured residents to help compensate them for the losses they endured.

Types of Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse refers to the intentional infliction of physical injury, pain, mental anguish, sexual abuse, willful deprivation, or unreasonable confinement of essential services under Georgia Code §30-5-3. There are three primary types of nursing home abuse encompassed in this definition.

Physical Abuse

Physical abuse refers to forceful, violent actions against a patient or resident. This could lead to temporary damages, but permanent injuries are also common. Scratching, shoving, using unlawful restraints, or any other physical act is included in this classification.

Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse may not reveal itself as a physical injury, but the resulting harm could still be significant. Insults, verbal attacks, bullying, or threats that result in mental anguish may all constitute emotional abuse.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse includes any nonconsensual contact with a resident or patient of the facility through threats, force, intimidation, or manipulation.

Potential Signs of Abuse

Some residents of nursing home facilities may be unable to express instances of misconduct verbally. Indications that the resident could be suffering may include the following:

  • Bruises and lacerations
  • Bone fractures
  • Burn injuries
  • Torn hair or clothing
  • Unexplained bleeding
  • Infection
  • Malnutrition and/or dehydration
  • Pressure sores or bed sores

Rights of Roswell Nursing Home Residents

Residents in nursing homes in Roswell have a certain set of rights under the law. A nursing home abuse attorney in Roswell could help the patient and their family understand their legal rights thoroughly.


The resident has the right to enjoy privacy in the facility unless this goes against their medical needs. This includes the right to close windows and doors to individual rooms.


The resident should receive proper care regardless of their gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, national origin, marital status, religion, or the payment source for the facility.


All nursing facilities are required to employ someone who is qualified in accordance with the American Dietetic Association to ensure that all patients receive the proper nutrition. This includes three meals a day, with no longer than a gap of five hours between each meal.

Freedom from Restraints

Residents have the right to be free from physical and chemical restraints, even in extreme situations. The nursing home is required to have proper written consent from a doctor before using restraints for any reason.

Freedom of Choice

The resident should still have the right to control matters in their own life such as the right to practice religion, the right to vote, the right to choose who will manage their finances, and the right to abstain from religious practices.

Contact a Roswell Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

A Roswell nursing home abuse lawyer could hold a nursing home responsible when their negligent care results in a resident’s injury or death. An attorney could pursue compensation for the victim’s medical bills, pain, suffering, and other damages. Call today to set up your consultation and discuss your case.

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