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Atlanta Truck Accident Lawyers > Marietta Personal Injury Lawyer > Marietta Blind Spot Truck Accident Lawyer

Marietta Blind Spot Truck Accident Lawyer

Due to the size of commercial tractor-trailers, truck drivers often have blind spots or areas around them where they cannot see other drivers. These blind spots can easily lead to catastrophic accidents involving other motor vehicles. When drivers or passengers are injured in these types of accidents, a Marietta blind spot truck accident lawyer can help.

When truck drivers do not take adequate precautions to prevent accidents with vehicles in their blind spots, they may cause accidents with catastrophic results. If you are injured in this type of situation, a dedicated truck accident lawyer could help you explore your options.

Blind Spot Truck Accidents in Marietta

One of the most common blind spot truck accidents that occurs is when a passenger vehicle is traveling alongside a commercial truck, usually between the cab and the end of the trailer. When truck drivers attempt to merge or switch lanes, they may sideswipe the passenger vehicle next to them. This type of accident can cause severe harm to the occupants of the passenger vehicle.

Another type of blind spot truck accidents may occur when truck drivers make either left or right-hand turns. Due to blind spots, they may be unable to see the passenger vehicles beside them, which may result in a collision. These accidents may result in catastrophic damages to any cars involved and their occupants.

Understanding Negligence in Tractor-Trailer Crashes

Negligence is the legal principle involved in most personal injury claims resulting from truck accidents. When individuals or entities are negligent, they act in careless or reckless disregard for the safety of others. Drivers must drive in a reasonably safe manner to protect others from harm.

When drivers fail to meet this duty of care, they may be considered negligent and therefore liable for any injuries that result. All bodily injuries and property damage their negligence causes are potential damages for which they may be responsible.

Available damages in blind spot truck accident cases can range widely but often include medical expenses, hospital and surgical bills, and rehabilitation expenses. Other possible damages include lost wages, loss of future income due to permanent disability, and pain and suffering. A blind spot truck accident lawyer in Marietta could help determine what damages may be available and then bring a strong claim for the appropriate compensation.

Contact a Marietta Blind Spot Truck Accident Lawyer Today

Injuries sustained in a blind spot truck accident can be severe, as the weight and impact of large commercial trucks often demolish smaller and lighter passenger vehicles. When you or a loved one suffer catastrophic injuries in this type of accident, you may be able to seek damages for your losses. A Marietta blind spot truck accident lawyer could help build a strong claim for compensation against all negligent parties.

As you work to recover from your injuries, you can rely on legal counsel to handle these challenging legal matters. Call today for a free consultation to discuss your rights following a crash.

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