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Forsyth County Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

When a motorist strikes a pedestrian, this person may not have protection against the car’s impact, and as a result, they often suffer severe injuries that can debilitate them for the rest of their lives. If you have suffered injuries from after being hit by a motor vehicle, you may be entitled to file a lawsuit and seek damages from the driver responsible for your injuries. A Forsyth County pedestrian accident lawyer could help you recover the compensation you need to move forward. Contact an experienced personal injury attorney to learn about the first steps in the litigation process.

Why is There an Increased Risk of Injury to Pedestrians?

Pedestrian accidents can be so devastating because the size difference between a vehicle and a pedestrian is significant. Pedestrians have nothing in the way of protection to absorb the major impact of an automobile. Even a minor accident involving a pedestrian and a vehicle can leave the individual with serious injuries including broken bones, head trauma, and spinal damage.

Some areas can be more vulnerable to pedestrian accidents than others. Law enforcement has seen a correlation between an area’s infrastructure and the number of fatal pedestrian accidents. For instance, a damaged or defective sidewalk can increase the risk of pedestrians getting hit by a motor vehicle. A skilled Forsyth County pedestrian accident attorney can review the facts of a case and determine which parties may be responsible for damages.

What Damages Are Available in a Pedestrian Accident Claim?

For a plaintiff to recover monetary compensation, they must establish that they have sustained damages in a pedestrian crash. A seasoned Forsyth County attorney experienced in handling these claims may provide some insight into what types of damages may be available in a plaintiff’s case based on their situation. This includes medical bills, lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering, among others.

Medical Bills

An injured pedestrian has the right to seek compensation for damages for any medical bills incurred due to the accident. These bills can include emergency room visits immediately after the collision as well as ongoing treatment in the months to follow. Similarly, an injury victim may seek any future medical costs associated with these injuries.

Lost Wages

If someone is forced to miss work while recuperating from their accident, that lost income can put a financial strain on them and their family. As a result, a pedestrian collision lawsuit may seek damages for past lost wages as well as a reduction in future earning potential.

Pain and Suffering

A plaintiff in a pedestrian accident lawsuit also has the right to see compensation for the physical pain and emotional suffering associated with their injuries. The amount of these damages can be subjective, and it falls to the jury to assess a dollar value on pain and suffering.

Property Damage

This type of claim may seek the value of any personal property belonging to the plaintiff that was damaged or destroyed in the accident. Examples may include damaged or destroyed phones, tables, or glasses.

Speak with a Forsyth County Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Today

You do not have to seek compensation for your injuries on your own. An experienced Forsyth County pedestrian accident lawyer can guide you through the recovery process from the day you file your lawsuit until the day the lawsuit reaches its conclusion. To learn more about how strong legal counsel can work for you, schedule your initial case consultation today.

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