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DeKalb County Dangerous Drugs Lawyers

When you take a medication, whether prescription or over-the-counter, you may expect that the proper testing was performed so you can take it with peace of mind. Drug developers and manufacturers typically spend several years testing a medication to be sure it is safe for consumption.

While many medications are made available to the public before testing is complete and all risks could be understood, a DeKalb County dangerous drugs lawyer could help if a drug causes you harm. An experienced personal injury attorney could hold a negligent pharmaceutical company liable.

What Constitutes a Dangerous Medication?

Thousands of Americans suffer from serious illnesses and medical complications due to taking certain drugs. Many people do not learn a medication is dangerous until it is too late to avoid suffering negative consequences as a result of taking it.

When a drug is suspected of causing more harm than good, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) may elect to label it as dangerous. It could then be subjected to close monitoring, an official warning issued by the FDA, and in extreme cases a mandatory recall. Georgia state law more specifically defines dangerous drugs in the Official Code of Georgia §16-13-71 as one that must be prescribed by a doctor and which the FDA has formally labeled as dangerous.

Linking the Drug with Injuries

If a defective or dangerous medication leads to injuries, you may wish to consult a dangerous drugs attorney in DeKalb County to determine what options for legal recovery are available to them. A diligent attorney could help you identify the potential link between a dangerous drug and resulting injuries and work with a plaintiff to pursue appropriate civil damages.

Collecting Evidence of a Dangerous Drug

The symptoms and ultimate outcome of taking an improper drug could vary from one person—and drug—to the next. Some symptoms and side effects of defective medications are mild. Many people experience severe or life-threatening symptoms and complications from taking a dangerous medication.

How Does a Lawyer Help with Evidence?

A DeKalb County attorney experienced with cases involving dangerous medications could work with an injured individual and their doctor to determine the drug taken, any symptoms experienced, and to what degree. In pursuit of a civil settlement or a positive court decision, focused defective medication lawyers may seek to collect evidence of the harm sustained, which may include medical records documenting illnesses and injuries related to the drug, pay slips detailing lost wages from time away from work, and testimony from family and friends regarding loss of enjoyment of life and general pain and suffering.

Fight for a Positive Result Alongside a DeKalb County Dangerous Drugs Lawyer

If you took a dangerous drug and experienced unanticipated symptoms or other illnesses, you may wish to contact an experienced DeKalb County dangerous drugs lawyer as soon as you are able to do so. Our team of legal professionals could work to conduct a thorough investigation and develop a plan to identify potentially liable parties, demonstrate legal negligence, and represent your interests in private negotiations or in court as needed.

Pharmaceutical companies may attempt to push drugs onto the market before they are ready, but that does not mean you should not suffer because of their poor judgment. Contact an experienced attorney today to schedule an initial consultation and discuss your potential case.

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