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Decatur Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers

Families often have to make the difficult decision to put their loved ones in nursing homes. Nursing homes can be expensive, though, and they don’t always provide residents with the best care.

In fact, many nursing homes cut corners at all costs in order to save money. This often means they will hire unqualified workers for low wages. These workers may neglect or even abuse residents. This abuse can be physical, emotional, sexual, or financial in nature. Many residents are seriously injured or killed by nursing home abuse. It’s a serious issue.

Has your loved one been a victim of nursing home abuse? Don’t let the nursing home get away with their behavior. Contact the Decatur personal injury lawyers at Shiver Hamilton Campbell right away to get the compensation and justice your loved one deserves.

Types of Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse can be broken down into several types:

  • Emotional abuse. Most nursing home abuse cases involve emotional harm and verbal abuse. Examples include screaming, taunting, limiting communication with others, and isolation.
  • Physical abuse. This involves physical contact such as pushing, punching, slapping, kicking, and using objects to hurt residents.
  • Sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is also common in nursing homes. It may include sexual intercourse, oral sex, groping, and taking nude photos of residents.
  • Neglect. Neglect often happens in nursing homes due to a lack of employees. Employees become overworked and unable to properly care for residents. This means residents may not get groomed or bathed regularly. They may also not get the food or medications they need.
  • Financial abuse. Financial abuse is also something to be aware of. This involves stealing money from residents through forgery and unauthorized use of bank accounts, checks, and credit cards.

Causes of Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse is often caused by the following:

  • Understaffing. Staffing shortages can place a lot of stress on employees. This can cause them to lash out at residents.
  • Burnout. Long hours dealing with unpleasant residents can cause employees to develop exhaustion and frustration. They may relieve stress by lashing out at residents.
  • Lack of supervision. When employees are not supervised, they are more likely to neglect residents in their care.
  • Greed. A desire for money can cause employees to go after the finances of residents. They may earn their trust, only to steal from them. The nursing home owners may also neglect patients out of greed. They may cut corners on training and pay in order to maximize profits.

Contact our Decatur Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Today

Nursing home abuse is a heinous crime that needs to be reported right away. Don’t let your loved one continue to be abused by their nursing home.

The Decatur lawyers at Shiver Hamilton Campbell can help you understand the steps for reporting nursing home abuse. We can guide you through the process and help you protect your loved one. Call (877) 215-6111 or fill out the online form to schedule a free consultation with our office.

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