The Worst Times for Traffic in Atlanta

Congested roadways and traffic jams have, unfortunately, become the norm in Atlanta, which has become one of the most populous and often visited cities in the country. It is, however, possible to avoid the worst traffic by driving at certain times and staying away from certain routes and notorious bottlenecks. To help you avoid the worst of Atlanta’s traffic, we’ve included a breakdown of the busiest (and most dangerous) times to drive in the city.
Avoiding Rush Hour in Atlanta
Those who drive to and from work in Atlanta are probably only too aware of the increasing traffic problem in our city, especially at certain times in the day, including:
- Between 7:00 and 9:00 a.m., which constitutes the morning rush hour; and
- Between 4:00 and 7:00 p.m., which makes up the evening rush hour.
While trying to avoid traveling at these times is a good way to lower one’s chances of getting stuck in traffic, it is by no means a guarantee, as accidents, road construction, and inclement weather can all cause congestion at any time. It is also not possible for many people to travel at other times because of their work schedules. Unfortunately, increasing traffic also means a higher chance of being involved in a collision.
Tips for Navigating Atlanta Traffic
Avoiding driving at certain hours isn’t always possible. Fortunately, there are other steps that Georgia drivers can take to help them navigate the worst of our city’s traffic, including:
- Using a traffic application, which can warn of car accidents and road construction up ahead, enabling drivers to change their routes and avoid getting stuck;
- Planning ahead by giving themselves plenty of time to arrive and researching parking options in advance;
- Avoiding the far right lanes, which are often exit-only routes and can quickly become congested, making it a good rule of thumb to stay in the middle lanes until drivers near their exits; and
- Driving courteously and avoiding aggressive driving tactics, such as weaving, honking, and tailgating.
Even those who use the most care when driving to avoid traffic and being the cause of an accident could end up the victim of someone else’s carelessness. In these cases, filing a claim against the at-fault party is often the victim’s best chance of recovering compensation for his or her medical bills, vehicle repair costs, and lost wages.
Call the Experienced Car Accident Lawyers at Shiver Hamilton Campbell Today
To speak with one of our experienced and compassionate Atlanta car accident attorneys about your own legal options following a collision in Atlanta, please call Shiver Hamilton Campbell at 404-593-0020 today. We know the kinds of physical, emotional, and financial tolls that car accidents can take on victims and their families and so dedicate ourselves to putting all of our resources and experience to use in helping our clients pursue recovery. Reach out to our legal team by phone or online message to get started on your own recovery today.