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Safety Tips for Driving at Night


Most of us have no choice but to drive at night, whether to run a last minute errand or to get home from work. Nighttime driving can, however, present a unique set of challenges that make driving during these hours particularly dangerous. Reduced visibility, for instance, makes it a lot more likely that a person will be involved in an accident, while fatigue can compromise a driver’s judgment. However, by implementing a few safety measures and adjusting one’s driving habits, motorists can help increase their chances of arriving at their destinations safely. Read on to learn more about the risks of nighttime driving.

The Risks of Nighttime Driving 

There are a lot of risks to driving at night, including:

  • Limited visibility, with drivers completely dependent on artificial light, like headlights and streetlights, all of which only provide a view of a small portion of the road;
  • Fatigue, with exhaustion dulling concentration and slowing reaction times; and
  • A higher chance of encountering a driver who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

It’s not always possible to combat these dangers. There are, however, some steps that drivers can take to help lower some of these risks.

Optimize Vehicle Lighting

 Those who drive at night should be sure to confirm that their vehicle has properly aligned and functioning headlights, which will improve illumination and help drivers avoid head-on and rear-end collisions. It’s important to use one’s headlights from the hours of sunset until sunrise and when there is rain or fog. Cleaning the headlights, taillights, signals, and windshield can also enhance visibility of the road ahead. Finally, if an oncoming driver is using his or her high beams, drivers can avoid the glare by looking at the white line that marks the road.

Increase Reaction Time 

When driving at night, motorists will also want to increase their reaction time by lowering their speed and increasing the distance between themselves and other vehicles. In this way, drivers can give themselves more time to avoid a collision if another driver makes an unexpected move or if wildlife enters the roadway. Slower speeds can also give drivers a better chance of avoiding potholes, debris in the road, or other hazards that could cause a crash.

Avoid Fatigue 

One of the biggest risks of driving at night is that it is simply easier to get fatigued, which has a similar effect on driving ability as intoxication, as it slows reaction time and impairs judgment. Motorists who drive at night should be sure to focus on staying alert, getting a lot of rest before driving, and if they do start to feel fatigued, should pull over to a safe location.

Here to Assist with Your Atlanta Car Accident Claim 

Even drivers who take the right steps to optimize their safety while driving at night could still end up encountering a not-so-careful road user. If this happens to you or a loved one, please don’t hesitate to call the experienced Savannah auto accident lawyers at Shiver Hamilton Campbell for an evaluation of your case and legal options.




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