Reckless Driving On the Rise in Georgia

In the last few years, roadways across the U.S. have seen an increasing number of reckless driving-related incidents. Unfortunately, this has proven to be true in Georgia as well, where the spike in risky driving behaviors, like speeding, tailgating, and ignoring traffic signals have led to a doubling of the number of fatal car accidents in the state.
More Traffic
One factor that has been contributing to the rise in reckless driving behaviors is the increasing number of vehicles on the road, which has led to more traffic congestion. Unfortunately, the response of many motorists to this problem is to engage in reckless driving behaviors either out of frustration or in an attempt to save time. These behaviors include everything from tailgating and cutting people off to running red lights and speeding.
Distractions, especially those due to cell phone use have also become an increasingly serious problem across the country. While there are laws in place that prohibit texting while driving and engaging in other distracting activities, many drivers continue to drive while distracted, putting not only themselves, but others at risk. It’s important to note that texting and driving isn’t the only type of dangerous distracted driving behavior in which a driver can engage. Eating and drinking, using in-vehicle technologies, wrangling kids or pets in the backseat, talking to passengers, and even daydreaming can all result in accidents.
A rise in the number of impaired drivers on the roads could also be contributing to the number of reckless driving-related accidents occurring in Georgia. Despite the known risks and serious legal consequences of driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, drivers across the state continue to engage in this dangerous behavior, which reduces reaction times, impairs judgment, and significantly increases a person’s chances of causing a crash.
A Lack of Enforcement
A failure to enforce traffic laws may also be contributing to the increasing reports of reckless driving in Georgia. When drivers feel that they can violate the speed limit or ignore traffic signals without facing any consequences, they are generally more likely to engage in unsafe behaviors.
Recovery for Reckless Driving-Related Accidents
When drivers speed, break traffic laws, tailgate, swerve, and drive while distracted or impaired, they put themselves and any other road users at risk of serious injury. Fortunately, accident victims who can prove that their injuries were the result of someone else’s negligent or reckless conduct are often able to recover compensation for their losses. To establish that another motorist was driving recklessly, an injured party will need convincing evidence, including eyewitness testimony, footage from traffic, security, and dashboard cameras, and photos from the accident scene. Injured parties who can prove that reckless driving was the cause of their accident could be entitled to reimbursement for their medical bills, lost wages, and vehicle damage.
Call Today to Set Up a Free Consultation
To speak with an experienced Marietta car accident lawyer about holding the reckless driver who caused your own accident accountable for his or her actions, please call Shiver Hamilton Campbell at 404-593-0020 today.