How a Lawyer Can Help with Your Car Accident Case

Being involved in a car accident can be a frightening experience, even when that collision only results in vehicle damage. Accidents that cause injuries can be even more overwhelming, leaving injured parties to undergo painful treatment, while facing mounting medical debt and financial uncertainty. Fortunately, accident victims do not have to go through this process alone, but could benefit from the help of an experienced lawyer. Read on to learn more about how a skilled Georgia car accident attorney could help with your car accident case.
Conducting an Investigation
Before an injured party can recover compensation after a car accident, he or she will need to be able to demonstrate fault, or who was responsible for the crash. This often ends up being a more difficult process than most people imagine. An experienced attorney can help by conducting a thorough investigation into the cause of a crash, gathering evidence along the way, including police reports, eyewitness statements, accident scene photographs, and security and traffic camera footage. Legal teams also have the resources and contacts to obtain the expert opinions of specialists, like medical experts and accident reconstruction specialists.
Calculating Damages
Besides establishing fault for an accident, an injured party who is seeking compensation will need to prove damages. A personal injury lawyer can provide a lot of help in this regard, assessing the full extent of a victim’s damages, which could include:
- Past and future medical expenses;
- Lost wages;
- Reduced earning capacity;
- Vehicle damage;
- Permanent disability or disfigurement; and
- Pain and suffering.
An experienced legal team can help calculate and prove these damages, ensuring that an accident victim has a better chance of receiving a fair settlement or damages award.
Dealing with Insurers
Most car accident cases don’t end up in court, but are resolved through settlement negotiations with the at-fault party’s insurer. Unfortunately, this does not mean that an insurance company will start out by offering a fair settlement right off the bat. In fact, many insurers will do their best to offer as low of a settlement as possible. One of the best ways to hold insurers accountable for these types of tactics is to work with an experienced attorney who can negotiate with the insurer on the victim’s behalf.
Litigating the Case
If an insurer refuses to admit fault or to compensate an injured party fairly, an accident victim can still seek compensation by pursuing litigation. In these situations, an injured party’s chances of recovery will be greatly strengthened if he or she is represented by an attorney who can ensure that the case is filed before the expiration of the statute of limitations, is also well-versed in the discovery process, and can present a strong argument to the judge or jury.
Dedicated Georgia Trial Attorneys
Working with an attorney can make all the difference to the outcome of a car accident case. To learn more about how the experienced Atlanta car accident legal team at Shiver Hamilton Campbell can help with your own case, please call us at 404-593-0020 and set up a free consultation today.