Unsafe Premises

Can I Sue My Landlord if I Was Injured in a Robbery on the Property?
Shiver Hamilton Campbell handles injury-related claims against a landlord or property owner when someone is harmed as a result of a robbery. We do not take on missing items cases or those that do not involve injury. No one ever wants to think that someone could break into their apartment unit and rob them…. Read More »

Can I Sue My Landlord if I Was Hurt in a Shooting on the Property?
Unfortunately, homes are not always safe, particularly when the residents do not have total control over who is on the property, such as in apartment buildings. Sometimes the worst happens: a person might be shot and injured, even if they had nothing to do with the altercation or the person who shot the gun…. Read More »

Can an Attorney Help if I Was Assaulted/Sexually Assaulted at an Apartment Complex?
Being sexually assaulted, or otherwise physically assaulted, is one of the worst experiences a person could be forced to endure. What is a person to do after they have been assaulted at an apartment complex? Regardless of whether the assault happened within the unit, in a common area such as a lobby, or outside… Read More »

Security Responsibilities of a Landlord/Property Management Company
Landlords have a responsibility to their tenants to provide a safe environment and protect them from crime that could occur on the property. When conditions are not safe enough to protect tenants from foreseeable harm, they could be considered negligent and held liable for contributing to the unsafe premises. Unfortunately, the due care that… Read More »

Criminal Acts & Property Managers
Third-Party Criminal Acts: Are Property Owners and Managers Liable? At Shiver Hamilton Campbell, we hold property owners and managers accountable for the criminal acts of third parties. The general rule in Georgia regarding the duty of care a property owner owes its tenants and invited guests is that “a landlord is not an insurer of his… Read More »

How to Know When Apartment Complexes are Negligent
As a renter, you have a right to live in safe apartments. Under Georgia law, apartment security to protect tenants and guests from criminal acts. Renters should ensure that the apartment complex is undertaking all necessary safety precautions to provide a safe living environment before moving into an apartment complex. When looking for a place… Read More »

Shiver Hamilton Campbell Holds Apartment Complex Owners Accountable
Shiver Hamilton Campbell obtains two settlements in cases involving tragic preventable sexual assaults on the premises of apartment complexes Shiver Hamilton Campbell’s sexual assault attorneys recently obtained two favorable seven-figure settlements in separate cases involving sexual assaults on the premises of apartment complexes. In each case the Shiver Hamilton Campbell client was a resident… Read More »

Rights of Victims of Unsafe Premises Crimes
People want nothing more than to live in a place they feel safe. Unfortunately, a tenant who is bound by a lease agreement may feel forced to remain in a dangerous apartment complex and live in fear of being re-victimized. However, landlords have a responsibility to their tenants to turn the property over in… Read More »

Crime Grids and the Expectations of a Property Owner
Becoming a victim to crime is a harrowing experience. The prospect of falling victim to criminal activity in your own apartment complex is all the more terrifying. Can owners of apartment complexes be expected to know if crime is occurring on their property and take steps to protect their tenants and guests? Under Georgia… Read More »

Several Injured After Deck Collapse in Brookhaven Apartment Complex
A deck collapsed in Brookhaven, Georgia injuring several people, including a small child. The news reports indicate that a metal deck at Northeast Plaza Apartments off Buford Highway fell when several people were standing on the deck Saturday night. Unfortunately, we see this type of negligence often. When decks collapse, major injuries are usually… Read More »