Pedestrian Accidents

New Bill Proposes Federal Standards for Vehicle Hood Heights
As the rate of pedestrian fatalities continues to rise in the U.S., federal lawmakers are looking for legal ways to combat the alarming trend. One such tactic is the recent introduction of a new bill in Congress, which, if enacted, would require federal regulators to set standards for vehicle hood height and visibility. Aimed… Read More »

Driving Habits That Can Increase Pedestrian Crash Risk
It can be easy for drivers to forget that they share the roads with other users, whether they be motorcyclists, cyclists, or pedestrians. Unfortunately, forgetting about these individuals is extremely dangerous, as they are already the most vulnerable to injury in the event of a crash. Even choices that don’t seem particularly perilous can… Read More »

How to Avoid Accidents in Atlanta School Zones
With school officially back in session, the roads near elementary, middle, and high schools alike have become a lot busier, especially in the mornings during drop-off and in the afternoons when children are picked up. Besides more cars, drivers can also expect to see more pedestrians and cyclists on these routes and so will… Read More »

SUVs and Other High-Profile Vehicles More Likely to Cause Fatal Pedestrian Accidents
Collisions between vehicles and pedestrians often result in serious injuries, regardless of the size of the vehicle in question. A recent study conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), however, has shown that pedestrians are most likely to suffer catastrophic and fatal injuries in car crashes with higher front ends, like SUVs… Read More »

Why are Pedestrian Accidents So Common in Atlanta
As a bustling metropolis with an ever-growing population, Atlanta sees its fair share of traffic. Unfortunately, this means that pedestrian accidents have become an alarmingly common occurrence in recent years, with Georgia rapidly becoming one of the most dangerous states in the nation for pedestrians. Read on to learn more about this trend, as… Read More »

Georgia’s Alarming Pedestrian Fatality Rate
Over the last decade, there has been a distressing uptick in the number of fatal pedestrian accidents in the U.S. Unfortunately, Georgia is no exception to this alarming trend. In fact, our state was recently ranked amongst the worst states for pedestrian safety. For instance, one recent six month period saw an overall increase… Read More »

Where are Cars Most Likely to Hit Pedestrians?
While car accidents always have the potential to cause serious injuries, those risks are highest for vulnerable road users, like cyclists and pedestrians. By remaining aware of the areas where crashes between vehicles and pedestrians are most likely to occur, both motorists and pedestrians can take steps to avoid being involved in a devastating… Read More »

Pedestrian Accident Injuries
As gas prices continue to rise, more and more Georgia residents have begun cycling and walking to get where they need to go. While these are healthy, cost effective, and eco-friendly activities, they can also be dangerous. In fact, thousands of pedestrians sustain catastrophic injuries every year in the U.S. Many of these injuries… Read More »

Pedestrian Safety in Georgia
It won’t come as a surprise to anyone who lives or works in Atlanta that the streets are busier and more congested than ever. This is due, not only to the presence of more motorists, but also to the increasing numbers of cyclists and pedestrians on the city’s roads. The latter are, unfortunately, the… Read More »

What Damages Can I Recover After a Pedestrian Accident in Georgia?
Auto-pedestrian accidents are notorious for having catastrophic consequences for the pedestrians involved, who are far less protected than motorists in the event of a collision. Injuries are typically severe and in some tragic cases, prove to be fatal. Paying for treatment can end up being prohibitively expensive for accident victims, which can be doubly… Read More »