Negligent Security

Negligent Security Claims
While many people know that property owners in Georgia are required to keep their premises in a safe condition for visitors by ensuring that floors are clean and dry, repairing leaks, and placing warning signs in areas that pose a risk of injury, few are aware that property owners are also required to provide… Read More »

Can I Sue My Landlord if I Was Injured in a Robbery on the Property?
Shiver Hamilton Campbell handles injury-related claims against a landlord or property owner when someone is harmed as a result of a robbery. We do not take on missing items cases or those that do not involve injury. No one ever wants to think that someone could break into their apartment unit and rob them…. Read More »

Can I Sue My Landlord if I Was Hurt in a Shooting on the Property?
Unfortunately, homes are not always safe, particularly when the residents do not have total control over who is on the property, such as in apartment buildings. Sometimes the worst happens: a person might be shot and injured, even if they had nothing to do with the altercation or the person who shot the gun…. Read More »

Security Responsibilities of a Landlord/Property Management Company
Landlords have a responsibility to their tenants to provide a safe environment and protect them from crime that could occur on the property. When conditions are not safe enough to protect tenants from foreseeable harm, they could be considered negligent and held liable for contributing to the unsafe premises. Unfortunately, the due care that… Read More »

What are Tenants’ Security Rights?
Tenants have certain responsibilities when renting a home or apartment from a landlord or property management company, such as paying their rent on time. However, they also have certain rights. One of the most important rights they have is knowing they will be kept safe and secure while in the home or on the… Read More »

Common Examples of Negligent Security
People have the right to be kept safe whenever they are traveling, running errands, or otherwise going about their day. Whether they are in their own apartment building, at their place of work, going out for an evening of cocktails, or staying at a hotel, this right is not changed or diminished. Likewise, property… Read More »

Five Security/Safety Questions to Ask When Apartment Searching
In Georgia, property owners are expected to keep their premises safe at all times for anyone that lawfully enters. For those who own apartment buildings, this includes ensuring that the residents are safe from attacks to their person or to their property. When apartment building property owners have failed to keep their residents or… Read More »

Negligent Security – Why You Need an Attorney, Pt. 2
This is part 2 of our Negligent Security series. Please click here to read part one. What security measures are considered “adequate” or “reasonable”? When it comes to the question of what security measures are considered “adequate” or “reasonable” for a certain property, one size does not fit all. Not all properties need 24-hr… Read More »

Negligent Security – Why You’ll Need an Attorney Pt. 1
What is negligent security law and why do you need an experienced attorney to pursue your claim? You may have heard of the phrase “negligent security,” but what does that really mean? Under Georgia law, a property owner/manager is liable to a victim (or the family/representative of a victim) if a person commits a… Read More »