Author Archives: Site Administrator
$525,000 Jury Verdict – Escalator Injury
A Fulton County jury awarded our client $525,000 after he suffered a whiplash-type neck injury requiring surgery when descending an escalator at the Peachtree Center MARTA station. MARTA denied liability, denied the escalator was defective and denied the injury even occurred.
$545,000 – Settlement – Apartment Complex Shooting
Our client, a seven-year-old girl, was struck by a bullet that traveled through the wall of her bedroom as she slept in her bed. The apartment complex where she lived was negligently maintained and failed to provide adequate security protection for a high crime area. Her parents were able to recover a $545,000 settlement… Read More »
$550,000 Settlement – Motor Vehicle Accident Involving FedEx Truck
Defendant’s FedEx delivery truck traveled unattended through a shopping center parking lot and collided with Plaintiff’s vehicle. Plaintiff sustained serious personal injuries, which required extensive medical intervention, including neck surgery. Plaintiff has accrued over $106,000 in medical bills and has suffered significant lost wages, lost a job opportunity and diminished capacity to labor.
$600,000 Settlement – Atlanta Pedestrian Struck By Vehicle
Settlement on behalf of a Macon County man that was struck as a pedestrian while walking along the side of a rural road early in the morning before daybreak.
$633,333 Settlement – Apartment Security Negligence
Our clients were the victims of a forced entry burglary in their neighborhood. After demanding money, the assailants shot both men. One client was killed immediately, and the other client sustained serious and ongoing injuries.
$643,972.45 Settlement – Motor Vehicle Collision
Confidential settlement was reached on behalf of our client, a pedestrian when she was struck and hit by Defendant’s car.
$650,000 Settlement – Apartment Complex Shooting
Confidential recovery for shooting of a resident at an Atlanta apartment complex.
$650,000 – Settlement – Commercial Tour Bus Accident
Our client was injured when a tour bus he was on fishtailed in a rainstorm and ran into the interstate median wall. Our client received clavicle and scapula (shoulder) fractures. We litigated the case against the commercial insurance carrier and bus operator. On the eve of trial, the insurance carrier paid $650,000 to settle,… Read More »
$653,000 – Recovery Following Jury Verdict For Motor Vehicle Collision
We represented a young mother who was involved in a car accident on her way to drop off her children at daycare. While driving on Old Norcross Tucker Road in Gwinnett County, another motorist pulled out of a neighborhood directly into our client’s right of way. The resulting collision caused a femur fracture to… Read More »
$679,000 Jury Verdict – Trucking Case Successfully Defended On Appeal
Alan successfully defended a trucking jury verdict on appeal. After all briefs were submitted on the appeal, the insurance company for the Defendants decided to settle the case for more than the full amount of the compensatory damages award.