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How to Avoid Accidents in Atlanta School Zones


With school officially back in session, the roads near elementary, middle, and high schools alike have become a lot busier, especially in the mornings during drop-off and in the afternoons when children are picked up. Besides more cars, drivers can also expect to see more pedestrians and cyclists on these routes and so will need to exercise extra caution when maneuvering around them to avoid causing a potentially deadly collision.

What are School Zones? 

School zones are designated areas around schools where drivers must take extra precautions due to the presence of a higher volume of pedestrians. These areas are marked with specific signage and signals and often have crossing guards to help remind drivers to slow down and use extra caution. School zones also have lower speed limits, at least during certain hours. Unfortunately, despite these rules and limitations, accidents in school zones continue to occur at an alarming rate in Georgia.

Tips for Safe Driving in School Zones 

Children are unpredictable at the best of times and when there are many together all at once and not a lot of supervision, accidents can happen. That’s why it’s so important for the adults and drivers in general, to use more care when driving in school zones by:

  • Observing the posted speed limits at all times, most of which are much lower in school zones at least in the mornings and afternoons;
  • Remaining alert for students, who may be walking or cycling to or from school;
  • Complying with the instructions of school crossing guards;
  • Avoiding distractions, like cell phone use;
  • Keeping a close eye out for school buses, which use flashing lights and stop signs to let other drivers know when they are picking up or dropping off children;
  • Yielding to pedestrians at crosswalks, keeping in mind that children are less visible and also less predictable than adults;
  • Remaining vigilant at drop-off and pick-up areas and following school guidelines for these areas; and
  • Reducing speed and increasing following distance in adverse weather conditions.

Drivers should also be sure to avoid double parking, blocking crosswalks, and passing stopped school buses. Taking these precautions can make all the difference when it comes to preventing serious school zone accidents. It is, unfortunately, no guarantee of safety, as the risk of accidents is always present when so many road users are present in one place.

Schedule an Initial Consultation Today 

Driving in school zones requires heightened awareness and adherence to local traffic laws. Unfortunately, not all drivers live up to these expectations, putting pedestrians, cyclists, and other drivers alike at risk of serious injury. If you or your child were injured in a school zone by a careless driver, you are not without legal recourse. Call the experienced and compassionate Atlanta pedestrian accident attorneys at Shiver Hamilton Campbell for an evaluation of your case and legal options. You can reach a member of our legal team by calling our office at 404-593-0020 or by sending us an online message. We are standing by and prepared to get started on your case right away.




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