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Smart Traffic Signs Could Play a Critical Role in Car Accident Prevention


Traffic signs are one of the best ways to communicate with motorists about things like speed limits, road closures, construction, approaching exits, and lane merging, all of which can help prevent car accidents. Many jurisdictions across the U.S. are taking this even further by installing traffic signs that not only display messages that are tailored to target certain driving behaviors, but that can monitor motorist behavior and warn of the repercussions of traffic violations.

Smart Traffic Sign Pilot Programs 

Cities across the U.S. have begun experimenting with a pilot program that uses smart signs to capture dangerous behaviors and display targeted messages to motorists engaging in those behaviors. If, for instance, a sign spots a motorist driving without a seatbelt, then it immediately flashes a message to the motorist, warning of the repercussions. Messages can also be used to address distracted driving or excessive speeding. These signs are operated using infrared and microwave technology and rather than being designed to punish violators, focus instead on warning motorists of the risks of their behavior.

The Dangers of Distracted Driving 

Proponents of the program believe that installing a smart sign in a single area for at least a month on a continuous basis will reduce the chances of dangerous driving behaviors, like distracted driving by almost 40 percent. Safety experts find these numbers especially promising, as distracted driving rates have continued to increase in Georgia despite education efforts and crackdowns on violators. For instance, an estimated 3,308 people lost their lives in distracted driving accidents in the U.S. in 2022 alone and thousands more were injured. It is hoped that the use of new smart traffic signs could cut significantly into these numbers.

Financial Recovery After a Car Accident 

Whether your accident was caused by distracted driving or another form of carelessness on the part of another driver, you could be entitled to monetary compensation for your losses, including:

  • Past and future medical bills;
  • Lost wages;
  • Property damage;
  • Permanent disability;
  • Emotional distress; and
  • Pain and suffering.

Proving that another driver’s actions caused these losses can, however, be complicated, especially for those who are already dealing with grueling treatments and mounting medical debt. Fortunately, you do not have to attempt this on your own, but can benefit from the help of an experienced legal representative who is well-versed in Georgia law and navigating the claim filing process.

Call Shiver Hamilton Campbell Today for Legal Help 

At Shiver Hamilton Campbell, we are only too aware of the physical, emotional, and financial toll that accidents can take on their victims. This is why we dedicate ourselves to helping our clients obtain the compensation that will give them the best chance of moving on with their lives after a catastrophic collision. For an evaluation of the strengths of your own accident claim, please call 404-593-0020 and set up a meeting with one of our experienced Atlanta car accident attorneys today. Call or contact us online today to get started on your case.



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